
Messages to my dear friend, Monica, as we share our experiences of being a mother, the things we learn from our little girls, everyday and the lessons we learn from life itself.
A Blog-dialogue across continents, countries and oceans of time and space...
(We last met in 2000 A.D, in India.)

Friday, March 30, 2012

Running to stand still...

My dear friend Mon,

Do you remember hearing ...running to stand still , the U2 song with the same name, way back in SID days??! Sometimes, I feel like that's all I'm doing, day in-day out...and the world still doesn't stop spinning around in my head. It makes me dizzy with worry, at times, and at times, I laugh out from the stress of it all, till I cry...
The last few days have been like this... Kids' school, my work-shifts (the night shift days are back)..shopping for food, shopping for groceries, hospital appointments, kids to entertain after school, Shivangi's Parental Request for her new Special School place to present to the SPAG Panel next month...
At times,in the mornings, the kids are still indoors when the clock says we should be halfway across on our walk to school. Sometimes, I am lacing up my trainers trying to get them to cram their lunch boxes into the carriers...So its not surprising that I have spent the last whole week asleep on the sofa falling asleep at night, with the TV on...Sitting up, leaning across the backrest... In the early morning, a chill, a pain in my neck or the lights in the room awaken me and I sigh, getting ready for another day...Today, the girls came to a farm with me and my friend Pavla, and her son James. We'd been there last week, so it was a repeat visit. shivangi usually likes repeat visits as she knows what to expect! Tomorrow, I have my second hospital appointment at 11 a.m, so Pavla will take the kids out with her son, and said I should get some sleep. (I'm off to work now, and have another shift tomorrow). On Sunday, My Mum-in-Law comes back.
Would love to hear your ideas for calmly tackling the daily grind!
love n hugs,

1 comment:

  1. I don't have a formula to tackle a day you or me go through. I have learnt to leave a few balls off while juggling the day's task. Practicing prioritization helps in keeping mind on the task and never feeling breathless or out of control. Though physically-mentally it is challenging with kids and their needs and job and house work, I try to keep kids and my health on top of the list and the rest will follow as needed or even not followed upon till next day or two. It is OK to have list of things not done. It will be done...keep cool.
    My week have been same with lot of work and Raina's constant need for my attention specially with her grandparents on Guj trip. They would be coming in around 10 days. Also her vacation have started. Keeping her busy and getting free time for myself has been a challenge which I am trying to overcome.
    When things go over board and I get this sinking feeling, I just close my eyes and count my blessings and say to myseld, "This time shall pass too so let me enjoy!'

    So proud of you Ruch! Take care and have a good appointment for your health.

    More in my post soon....

    Lots of love
